
Special Wiki Pages

Special Thanks!

This Wiki wouldn't be possible without @ToeiRei. Thank you for all of your help and guidance. Another special mention goes out to @Darkgrue, who writes and maintains the technical documentation.

This is an old revision of the document!

Dev Fiesta

Resources for developers and hackers! Also don't forget about resources like the Service Notes for MiTail in the Guides, Patterns, and Safety Info section!

Command Protocols

Using a Terminal

Using OTA

If you need to test an experimental firmware or update outside the official CRUMPET app, there is a facility to update over BLE.

Note: flashing test firmware or the incorrect firmware for your product can make it impossible to recover without a hardware flash, which may require return for service. You should only perform this operation at your own risk, and only if you are comfortable with all the steps and components used to perform it. You also need to have a recovery plan and be prepared to hardware flash if something goes wrong.

Chat With the Tail Co Development Team Community

MiTail, EarGear 2, FlutterWings, and MiTail Mini all have updatable firmware! For details, come and talk to us on our Telegram Tail Co Dev Chat!

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