====== Questions about MiWings ====== **Where can I find the manual?** No problem, you can find the manual for your MiWings here: [[en:man:miwings|MiWings Manual]] **Do I need to assemble MiWings?** MiWings comes in 4 main parts - the wing parts, the underfeathers, the shawls and back part. Assembly is not difficult at all and should take around 30 minutes. But please read the [[https://thetailcompany.com/miwings.pdf)|instructions]] **before** you start assembly, to prevent accidental damage to the shawls. We are here to help too, if you need it. **Can I get new feathers for MiWings?** Yes we offer feather sets:  [[https://thetailcompany.com/product/miwings-feather-sets/|color feather sets]] {{page>en:faq:faq_common}}