====== BLE_OTA_Python ====== A script for performing OTA update over BLE on ESP32. ==== Flashing scripts ==== * {{ :en:dev:ota.zip |}} Python scripts to flash firmware ===== Requirements ===== ''Bleak $ pip install bleak'' Note: The latest Python on Windows (3.10.0) does not like pythonnet, which is a prerequisite for bleak. Installing Python 3.9.7, followed by ''pip install bleak'' works. ===== Usage ===== **python discover.py** **python ota.py "01:23:45:67:89:ab" "firmware.bin"** You can create a batch file on Windows: ''@echo off\\ python ota.py "40:F5:20:4A:45:B7" "firmware.bin"\\ pause''