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en:release_notes_for_v5.0.8 [2024/05/03 21:08] – created darkgrueen:release_notes_for_v5.0.8 [2024/05/31 17:21] (current) – Delete page. darkgrue
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-Initial release of TailCoNTROL unified firmware. 
-  * Added #DEBUG compile-time flag to disable serial output. 
-  * Added firmware support for new product: FlutterWings. 
-  * Added firmware support for new product: MiTail Mini. 
-  * Tune MiTail Mini moves 1, 2, and 3. 
-  * Added firmware support for v3.6 tail board. Split out PD handling to support non-PD hardware. 
-  * Restructured moves so that independent strings of moves (with easing type, position, and duration triplets for each move) for each servo, and can be of different length. 
-  * Improved support for DSSP commands. 
-  * Fixed HWCDC blocking bug for EarGear 2 serial console. 
-  * Fixed uncommanded servo movement occurring at the end of a move when the servos detach from the PWM channel. 
-  * Fixed bug in move state machine. 
-  * Removed hazards created by unbracketed nested statements by adding explicit curly braces to single-line statements. (Findings 1 and 8.) 
-  * Pin support libraries to exact versions to eliminate hazard of unintended support library changes introducing faults unexpectedly. (Finding 6.) 
-  * Split setup() function into smaller logical calls to other functions. (Partial implementation for Finding 7.) 
-  * Identified variables impacted by ISR calls (because I can't even read my own notes in the ISR function descriptions!) and moved them to Mailboxes (queues) or Critical Sections. (Thread safety.) 
-  * Tagged globals touched in ISR context with g_ prefix for identification. 
-  * Reduced task priorities. 
-  * Add initial EG2 support for move system Proof of Concept. 
-  * Split functions/reorganize code to facilitate hardware differentiation. 
-  * Created new PlatformIO build env profiles for each product target. 
-  * Version number control moved to platformio.ini, instead of Definitions.h file. 
-  * Created build script to automatically name output binaries during build process (automatic firmware filename versioning). 
-  * Added additional code commenting for variables. 
-  * Fixed -Wformat-truncation warnings in PD_Micro library. 
-  * Fixed -Wunused-variable warnings in LIS2DW12-Arduino-Lib library. 
-  * Improved banner message. 
-  * Improved servo debug output. 
-  * Updated JLed library to 4.13.1. 
-  * Updated ESP32Servo library to v1.2.0. 
-  * Updated documentation. 
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