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en:faq:faq_common [2024/05/07 14:48] – [General Questions] darkgrueen:faq:faq_common [2024/10/06 15:55] (current) – Updating android section code-floof
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 **Are there manuals?** **Are there manuals?**
-Yes, you can find our manuals here: [[en:manuals|Manuals]]+Yes, you can find our manuals here: [[en:man_overview|Manuals]]
 **Is there an App to control the gear?** **Is there an App to control the gear?**
-The app is called "Crumpet" - just search for that, or "The Tail Company" from the app store you use - its free and we give it updates as often as we can.+__Yes, here is the App for Android:__\\ 
 +{{ :manual:crumpet_playstore.jpg?100|}} 
 +The Android App is called "The Tail Company App" - just search for it within your App-Store you are using. The App its free and we give it updates as often as we can. You can also use this QR Code which leads you directly to the Google Play Store or you can follow this link [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codel1417.tailApp|The Tail Company App!]]
-When you get a tail, ears or flutterwings, theres also a qr code you can use to download the app. Here is the Link to the Google Play store: [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.thetailcompany.digitail|CRUMPET, the Tail Company App!]]+When you get a tail, ears or flutterwings, there'also a QR code you can use to download the app. 
 +__And here the App for Apple devices:__\\ 
 +{{ :manual:qr_ios.png?100|}} 
 +The iOS App is called "The Tail Company App". You can find it in the Apple Store and like her Android counterpart she is free and also updates as often as we can. You can use this QR code here to go directly to the Apple Store or you can also use this link: [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-tail-company-app/id6502884168|The Tail Company App]]
 **Do you need an internet connection to use our gear?** **Do you need an internet connection to use our gear?**
-No, only a bluetooth connection to your phone, which - once set up - can happily go in a pocket or a bag.+No, only a Bluetooth connection to your phone, which - once set up - can happily go in a pocket or a bag.
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 Oh yes! [We have a pattern listing for nice paper patterns here](https://thetailcompany.com/product/paper-patterns-for-mitail-and-eargear/). Oh yes! [We have a pattern listing for nice paper patterns here](https://thetailcompany.com/product/paper-patterns-for-mitail-and-eargear/).
 +Here are some patterns in digital form for download:
 +  * [[https://thetailcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/mitail-pattern.pdf|MiTail pattern]]
 +  * [[https://thetailcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Classic-DIGITAIL-MiTail-XL-Pattern_compressed.pdf|DigiTail XL pattern]]
 +  * [[https://thetailcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/EarGear-pattern-1.pdf|EarGear V2 pattern]]
 **Is there something I should / shouldn't do with my gear** **Is there something I should / shouldn't do with my gear**
-Yes there is - it's all in our [[https://thetailcompany.com/responsiblewagging.pdf|Responsible Wagging Guide]]!+Yes there is - it's all in our [[en:safety|Responsible Wagging Guide]]!
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