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en:blog [2024/05/04 10:53] mastertaileren:blog [2025/03/01 17:08] (current) darkgrue
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 ====== Blog and News ====== ====== Blog and News ======
 +===== March 1, 2025: TailControl Love Is in The Air! =====
 +{{ :en:tailcontrol20250208.jpg?400 |}}
 +==== Welcome Tailer Community ====
 +Welcome back to another blog edition! First up, is some new branding:
 +"TailCoNTROL" is now "TailControl", and the [[https://docs.thetailcompany.com/doku.php?id=en:dev:tailcontrol-command-protocol|documentation]]
 +and references have been updated to reflect it. My typographical artistry was
 +just too far ahead of it's time, clearly...
 +Also, EarGear, is now a Registered Trademark! This joins the Crumpet the Fox
 +logo, and MiTail and is a big step forward for the business to establish its
 +name and branding, especially as a business trading internationally.
 +==== Even-more Unified Firmware ====
 +The first blog posting was the announcement of the unified firmware system,
 +that brought all the tail hardware-based products (MiTail, FlutterWings, and
 +MiTail Mini) under the same banner. But one product had yet to be brought into
 +the fold, and that's the EarGear.
 +I can finally announce that EarGear is now under TailControl... control!
 +This means the ears will benefit from TailControl's advanced move system, move
 +easing, and other features and bugfixes. I've also worked behind the scenes in
 +the code to continue to organize and improve the code organization and
 +stability, which all the products will benefit from.
 +==== New Moves ====
 +The ears now have new moves, and are much more energetic and lifelike now. Ear
 +twitches are much more twitch-like. Previously, all ear moves took the same
 +amount of time to execute: 1000 ms, or 500 ms, depending on whether "be
 +excited" was selected. Obviously, this didn't allow much flexibility in move
 +design. With the TailControl EarGear firmware, the fully-parameterized move
 +system is now available, and the ear move set has been redesigned to take
 +advantage of that new flexibility.
 +==== Conference Mode ====
 +In the previous blog posting, I talked briefly about the Midwest FurFest 2023
 +BLE spam attack and plans to address issues around those sorts of problems.
 +[[https://docs.thetailcompany.com/doku.php?id=en:dev:tailcontrol-command-protocol#conference_mode|Conference Mode]]
 +is now implemented in both TailControl and The Tail Company app. This mode
 +establishes a BLE Bond and protects your Tail Co device from unauthorized
 +connections, replay attacks, and encrypts over-the-air communications.
 +Practically speaking, this means that only you will be able to connect and
 +command your Tail Company devices, and it will prevent anyone else from
 +interfering in your tailing experience.
 +It comes coupled with a factory reset function
 +([[https://docs.thetailcompany.com/doku.php?id=en:dev:tailcontrol-command-protocol#unbinding|described in the Unbinding section of the protocol reference]]),
 +to reset the device back to factory settings, in case the bond gets lost and
 +can't be reset - or any other persistent setting causes issues. Back to
 +factory-fresh, with the press of a button!
 +Conference Mode is available to try out now, but we'll continue to adjust and
 +develop this feature in response to customer feedback to make it more
 +user-friendly and functional.
 +==== App Updates ====
 +The Tail Company App continues to get new features and updates, and has seen
 +several releases in this time. Be sure to check out the new version, if you
 +haven't already!
 +==== New Products ====
 +There's a new accessory for tails that's recently come out for those who want
 +to hang their tails vertically: [[https://thetailcompany.com/product/the-verticalizer/|The Verticalizer]].
 +This is an optional adapter that fits between the tail and the D-clip on your belt
 +and gives you a new option to wear your tail!
 +In celebration of the new ear firmware, there's a new EarGear product! Complementing the
 +[[https://thetailcompany.com/product/eargear-cosplay-ears-creators-edition/|EG Creators Edition]],
 +The Tail Company is adding the [[https://thetailcompany.com/product/eargear-headphones-edition/|EarGear Headphones Edition]]
 +to the EarGear lineup! Ears... on your headphones! 'nuff said!
 +The Tail Company is always on the move - just like our products! New stuff is
 +already in the pipeline in different stages: prototype all the way up to
 +coming out soon, there's stuff to look forward to!
 +==== What's Next? ====
 +Firmware development never stops. There are still new features being explored,
 +and new products that are upcoming or being considered. Firmware development
 +will continue to bring more value to existing and future customers of The Tail
 +Watch for the wag!
 +Your Friendly Lurking Horror,
 +Dark Grue
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